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Anne Arundel Police Provides Update on License Plate Readers Being Installed Near Russett Green East

Anne Arundel County Police provided an update on the automated license plate readers (ALPRs) being installed on 198 near Russett Green East. It was previously reported by the State Highway Administration (SHA) that the cameras were being installed at the request of the Maryland State Police (MSP). Captain Sara Schriver of the Anne Arundel County Police confirmed however that the cameras are being installed by Anne Arundel County Police as a part of long-planned security improvements along the 198 corridor.

License Plate Reader Technology Being Installed Near Russett Green East
License Plate Reader Technology Being Installed Near Russett Green East

"ALPRs technology was identified as a useful tool in this geographic area to enhance community safety, prevent crime and assist with investigations after a crime has occurred," said Schriver. She explained that the technology will be used to search for "vehicles occupied by criminal suspects that may have made their escape along the Route 198 corridor. Schriver said that when a 'hit' on a license plate is received, a "coordinated effort is made to locate the vehicle."

The use of such cameras along 198 between Russett Green East and Whiskey Bottom Road has been discussed for years by Anne Arundel County Police as a way to help taper the unwanted activity at some of the 198 hotels. Schriver also cited the community's proximity to other heavily trafficked thoroughfares like Route 1, I-95, and the BWI Parkway as additional reasons for the security measures.

Schriver said that images from the ALPRs are temporarily stored in a database and will be compared to other law enforcement databases when warranted. These other databases used for comparison include information about stolen vehicles, missing persons, and terrorists on watch lists.

The cameras will be managed by the Anne Arundel County Police Department and will be operational year-round. The ALPRs are expected to be fully installed by the end of August.

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